
Monday, January 24, 2005

I'm trying to remember my favorite Johnny Carson moment.

The marmoset bit, where Joan Embry brought a marmoset from the San Diego Zoo, stands out, simply because Carson found complete absurdity in it.

Marmosets, like most primates, seek the highest point they can get. So when Embry handed Johnny a marmoset it immediately headed to the highest point it could find: the top of Carson's head.

It was silly, of course; but after the laughter died down, Carson said something to the effect of: "I am willing to bet you, with all the money I have that at this very moment, in all of the world I am the only person with a marmoset on his head."


No truth to the Carson "Zsa Zsa Gabor" story by the way (supposedly Gabor brought a cat on with her and asked Johnny "Would you like to pet my pussy?" Carson reportedly said, "Yeah, move the cat!" -- Never happened).

Nor the Arnold Palmer story about telling Johnny his wife kisses his balls before a match. Never happened.


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