
Thursday, January 06, 2005

We had dinner with a friend on Tuesday night and the subject of hot springs came up and to make a long story short...

GOD I wanna get naked in hot water. We need to head out to the hot springs in Tonopah ASAP. The problem will be finding time any time soon to do it. We are in the middle of much-needed unanticipated rains (more on that in a minute). Some prognosticators say we could be seeing a lot of this right through our USUAL rainy season, which most of you know as St. Patrick's day.

On top of that, Jan and I are both busy bees with our belly dancing and music hobbies (don't be scared, SHE's the bellydancer), so free time to drive for an hour just to doff one's duds and soak, no matter how wonderful that sounds, is in limited supply at the moment.

(For those of you who are reading this from areas north of Arizona, the concept of getting naked in January, outside, may be fairly foreign unless you live in an area of major Scandinavian influence, like Wisconsin or Minnesota, where home spas, while not common, are at least known to exist, and the idea of getting hot, then jumping in the snow, then getting hot again is not only not crazy, but seen to have actual health benefits.)


As I mentioned, it's been raining cats and dogs --think Garfields and Great Danes -- around here lately. Day before last we even had a tornado warning and hail. I can't imagine the earthquake in Asia had anything to do with it, could it?


My kids are both now officially back to school after winter break. I don't even hear sighs of disgust anymore -- they're just resigned to it by now.

I can't believe Brendan is 14 freakin' years old. Neither can he. And Adam is going to be 20 at the end of May? Who are these people and what have they done with my kids?


I don't think it's proper to say "Go Suns!" anymore. I think now it's "Keep going and going, Suns!"
Amare's reverse dunk last night was a beaut, but Nash's bizarre shot -- where the ball bounced off the top of the backboard, then bounced off the FRONT of the hoop, then traveled backwards into the net proved one of two things:

1. Some extra-terrestrial being is watching over the Phoenix Suns this year, or:
2. That big earthquake, which actually caused the earth to start spinning JUST THIS MUCH faster, is playing havoc with hoops.


Which reminds me -- whatever happened to Hoppity Hooper? Remember that show? Jay Ward, I think.


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