
Monday, November 26, 2007


I brought this up once here about three years ago, but I have to ask again:

Who decreed that "My Favorite Things" is a Christmas song?


Jan and I have enrolled in a yoga class. JEEEZUS I'm out of shape. But I'm learning how to do various "easy" (your milage may vary) stretches and I'm doing them at home even when there's no class, which I guess is the idea.

Our instructor (the class is held on Saturdays at the community center near our house) is a longtime yoga teacher and he has a voice that sounds like nothing bothers him. I supposed that's the idea; if you want to teach yoga it's probably not a good idea to have a voice like Krusty the Clown.

So far I'm not doing so good. My "Downward Facing Dog," which appears easy when everybody else does it, looks more like "Badly Constructed Pup Tent, Foolishly Put Up By a Lefty."

But I yoga on. I do like the class.


Thanksgiving came and went; once again we went to my mom's and ate too much. Once again, as she has every year since 1979, my mom has said "This is it...I'm not making dinner again next year." Then she always does. However, this time she said, "maybe next year I'll just book rooms for everybody at a hotel and have THEM make dinner."

That might be nice but I bet they can't make green bean salad like my mom...


My 37-year-old youngest brother David announced that, finally, after what will be 38 years of singledom, he and his girlfriend of several years, Katrina, will be tying the knot, getting married, hitching up, getting legal, etc. next July in Las Vegas.

In July.
Well, I guess it could be worse. Could be HERE in July.

Plus, since Dave and Katrina live in Maricopa, I think Vegas is actually CLOSER TO MY HOUSE.

I bet it will work. When you wait that long to get married, you pretty much KNOW.

Katrina's a nice Canadian lady with two nifty kids, so Dave gets a family without having to do anything.

THAT'S convenient!


Back when I was a kid, there was this really godawful (read: deliciously bad for you) snack that Old London made called Cheese Waffies. They were basically waffle shaped crackers with a radioactive cheese filling.

I LOVED these things. I have not seen them in years.

Imagine my surprise, nay excitement, to discover that Cheese Waffies do indeed still exist. They're just made by another company now, a snack food company called Wise.

Imagine my dismay, however, to discover that there are no products available from said company if you're west of the Mississippi River. Drat!

If there's anyone on the east coast reading this, could you see your way to buying me a bag of Cheese Waffies? It would be great to indulge in a guilty pleasure like that again.


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