
Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Look I'm not gonna say that we're much better than everybody else, but when presented with foreign-sounding names, our media people at least TRY to pronounce the names of foreign dignitaries correctly.

Not so the British.

I am always AMAZED at the ways British reporters mangle the pronunciation of names for people who aren't Brits. I'm told many of them do this on purpose, a kind of nose-thumbing at societies they still feel superior over even though they haven't been much of a power for about 150 years.

Case in point: I was listening to BBC News Service on NPR last night and heard a report about our president's trip to Russia. Did you know our president is named "Berrick Obammer?"

While he was there he met with former president (now Russian PM) VladEEmeer Pyootn.

Oh, and God help you if you're French. Right, Jack Chuh-rack?


Played a great show at Westercon last weekend. Nobody took any pictures though, so here's a shot of me playing in a bar:


Some wires burned out in a phone box down the street from our house a few days ago. It basically screwed up our phone for a while so if you couldn't get through, it's fixed now.


The only thing that could have made that funereal fiasco for Michael Jackson yesterday even worse would have been if they'd sold advertising. Don't think they didn't consider it.


This Friday, 10 p.m. at the Firehouse on First St. N. of Roosevelt: THUNDERSTUMP! My kids' band! They're funny! They rock! It's FREE! Show up!


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